Benji Hughes is maybe the greatest lyricist of artists working in my time.
You can tell by the fact that his lyrics are instantly intelligible and memorable. He composes words that avoid any sort of awkward inefficiency in pronunciation that would make them hard to understand, while simultaneously making these words so compelling and valuable as to make you want to think about them.
As he says in this song, in a line I memorized with zero effort, they are the last thing you think of when you go to sleep.
What goofy joy in this song, helped along with so many targeted little instrument contributions (distorted electric guitar, synthesizer, piano, cello, etc). The stomping verses break into swinging choruses, and those dissolve into delicate post-choruses ("I want you now"). The tonal and dynamic control is really impressive.
And it's so catchy!
Another in the genre of 2-minute masterpieces.