"Know Your Enemy" ends by ridiculing the concept of compromise, among a list of other high-concept modern sins. The song is a 20th century Deuteronomy with a whammy pedal solo. I'm not a fan of conformity, hypocrisy, or the elite, but any worldview rejecting compromise must be soberly questioned. I don't have the energy to even attempt refuting any of the strident, easy phrases in this song, which is probably while I'll just end up a refugee some day sooner than most of you may expect.
But the joke is on these bastards, because heavy rock music is so loud that lyrics are drowned out. They should've played folk if they wanted coherent ideas to come across. Maybe someday Rage Against the Machine will achieve establishing their utopian, Yugoslavia-esque nation-state with mandatory mosh pits. Until then, I will just savor the beautiful verse guitar blues scale riff from my prison of mediocrity.